Forum for children and young people's nurse academics launched

A new group has been launched to provide a strong and unified voice for academics working in children and young people’s nursing.
Children and Young People Nurse Academics UK (CYPNAUK) plans to respond to consultations, issue policy papers, promote the development of children’s nursing and spread good practice.
Members of the group pledge to ensure that students are equipped with the right knowledge and skills as the debate continues about whether a move towards more generic nursing education could damage training for children’s nurses.
Chronic shortage
There is a chronic shortage of children’s nurses in all care settings including out of hours services, with staffing gaps at all levels, according to the CYPNAUK.
The group is currently being organised by an interim committee, chaired by Debbie Fallon, lecturer in the school of nursing, midwifery and social work at the University of Manchester.
There are representatives from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland for the group, which plans to meet twice a year.
An elected committee is expected by January 2017.
Children and Young People Nurse Academics UK