
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Schools lack proper policies for pupils with medical conditions, charities warn

Thousands of children with long-term medical conditions are being put at risk every time...

Unions condemn 'derisory' pay rise

Nurses in England to receive 1% pay rise

Nurse pay rise in Wales capped at 1% for 2017-18

Nurses in Wales are set to get a 1% pay rise from April, as the NHS pay cap continues for a...

Government advised not to approve GBS screening in pregnant women

Government is advised not to approve screening for Group B Streptococcus (GBS) at 35-37...

Text message service helping school nurses reach one million young people

A school nurse-led text messaging service that offers confidential health advice to...

New project aims improve retention of nursing students and newly qualified nurses

City, University of London and Barts Health NHS Trust are planning to work in partnership to...

NHS cannot afford to lose EU nurses, RCN says

Value of EU nurses reinforced by the RCN ahead of Article 50 trigger

1% pay cap to continue for Scottish nurses

Pay increase capped at 1% for 2017-18

Hospital staff 'more likely to be served fresh food than patients'...

NHS staff are more than twice as likely as patients to be served fresh food in hospitals,...

Help raise the profile of nursing by contributing to new project

A practice nurse has set up an online project to help highlight the work of nurses and...

NHS nurses angry about agency ban

From 1 April, many nurses will only be able to take on extra work as overtime or through...

Nurses praised for efforts after terror attack

Staff from Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation trust ran towards Westminster Bridge to help...

RCN backs campaign for statutory funding of children’s palliative care services

The Rainbow Trust Children's Charity is seeking more funding from the government for its...

Send selfies to help celebrate nursing, asks FoNS

Foundation of Nursing Studies (FoNS) is making a short 'Flipagram' film to celebrate World...

NHS whistle-blowers to get more protection under new proposals

Protections for NHS whistle-blowers are to be extended under new government plans.

'Serious gaps' in mental health crisis care for children, report warns...

There are 'serious gaps' in crisis care for children with mental health problems, a new...

Nurse academic calls for mandatory preceptorship year for all new nurses

All new nurses should complete a mandatory preceptorship year to help them meet new Nursing...

MPs warn a Brexit NHS staffing crisis is brewing, but Hunt downplays fears

Health secretary Jeremy Hunt has downplayed fears that Brexit will lead to a collapse in the...

