
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Thousands of nurses who voted to carry on striking blocked by ballot turnout rules

Large majority of NHS members in RCN ballot voted to press ahead with further walkouts

Summer strikes paused as fresh talks agreed – but pay off the table

July strikes have been paused as Welsh Government agrees to discuss current deal

Lack of PPE due to planning for wrong type of pandemic, inquiry told

Rosemary Gallagher also says government failed to consult nurses when pandemic planning

UK struggles to keep its nurses as emigration fuels ‘strikingly low’ workforce numbers

Far more nurses move to practise in Australia and New Zealand than the other way round

Nurses ‘taking HCA roles to avoid risk of blame over compromised care’

Some fear they will be struck off over care given in overstretched settings, says professor

Claims some RCN ballots never arrived cast doubt over further strikes

RCN members vent their frustration at papers not received or received too late

Anti-strike bill: MPs again reject changes to protect nurses’ jobs

The House of Lords amendments would allow nurses to strike without fear of the sack

Lucy Letby falsified records to cover her tracks, jury told

Prosecutor says the accused nurse lied when she said she did not remember baby who died

Senior NHS staff must be held to account for racist culture, warns equality campaigner

Anti-racism policies will fail without accountability at the top, says Neomi Bennett

Apprenticeships could target areas with largest nursing gaps

Health secretary Steve Barclay says ‘we need to grow our domestic supply’

Post votes now, nurses urged, amid worries strike ballot threshold won’t be met

Numbers are ‘very tight’ warns RCN chief as strike ballot deadline looms

COVID bonus: minister stands firm on plan that could mean bank and other nurses lose out

He insists unions agreed some pay-outs will be left to discretion of individual employers

Lucy Letby ‘gaslighted’ neonatal team to believe baby deaths were run of bad luck

Accused nurse was ‘calculated and devious’, prosecutor says in closing speech

Enforced 12-hour shifts link to staff burnout and exhaustion

Nurses who are compelled to work longer shifts have higher risk of burnout, study finds

Partygate: we watched people die, we couldn’t see our loved ones – but they celebrated

Nurses’ anger at Boris Johnson and the conduct of lockdown-breaking political staff

King’s birthday honours list: dozens of nurses receive awards

Front-line staff, army nurses and educators among the many nurses honoured by the King

Public support for nurses’ strikes higher than ever – survey

Poll finds 3% rise in support compared with similar poll in December

Lucy Letby trial judge tells jury to be calm and fair as case enters closing stage

Jurors prepare to hear summing-up from barristers for the Crown and the nurse’s defence

