Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.
Roles of nurses and parents caring for hospitalised children
This article reviews the literature on nurses’ and parents’ self-perceived roles when caring...
08 Mar 2016
Diagnosis and nursing management of coeliac disease in children
Coeliac disease is an autoimmune condition caused by the ingestion of gluten-containing...
09 Feb 2016
Managing young people with self-harming or suicidal behaviour
This literature review aimed to determine the risk factors being used to identify children...
09 Feb 2016
Role of out-of-hours nurse co-ordinators in a children’s hospital
In a hospital, a high proportion of working time occurs outside the traditional working day...
11 Dec 2015
Idiopathic scoliosis: managing pain before and after spinal surgery
Idiopathic scoliosis surgery is performed to correct a curvature of the spine. This is a...
11 Dec 2015
Ensuring that ‘hard to reach’ young people agree to health assessments
Statutory guidance for promoting the health and wellbeing of looked after children...
11 Dec 2015
Prenatal maternal risk factors for infantile colic
Aim To examine maternal prenatal risk factors for infantile colic (IC). Methods Mothers were...
11 Dec 2015
How seminars for parents can improve children’s continence management
Staff at a children’s urology department, in response to a growing caseload and reports of a...
12 Nov 2015
Suspect, detect and protect: lessons from a lipohypertrophy workshop for children’s...
This article describes a recent training workshop to educate children’s nurses on injection...
12 Nov 2015
Open access
Views of children, young people and families: the 15 steps challenge
There is a growing emphasis on involving service users in improving service delivery,...
08 Oct 2015
Overweight and obesity interventions and prevention strategies
Aim To determine what secondary schoolchildren in Jordan want from overweight and obesity...
11 Sep 2015
Parents’ experiences of hope following a child’s brain injury
Aim To explore the lived experiences of parents caring for their child following a severe to...
11 Sep 2015
Exploring the reasons why school students eat or skip breakfast
Background Breakfast is considered to be the most important meal of the day. It provides the...
09 Jul 2015
Challenges of identifying eczema in darkly pigmented skin
There is a paucity of information about the difference in the presentation of eczema in...
09 Jul 2015
Use of a food allergy care management pathway in adolescents
The prevalence of allergic diseases is increasing, parents/carers. Healthcare staff also...
10 Jun 2015
Overcoming the barriers to using kangaroo care in neonatal settings
Skin-to-skin contact, or kangaroo care (KC), has benefits for babies and parents, improving...
10 Jun 2015
Open access
Effective nursing care of children and young people outside hospital
Aim To assess the preparation required to ensure a workforce of nurses who can provide high...
10 Jun 2015
Cyberchondria: emerging themes for children’s nurses in the internet age
In many countries, anxious adults and young people are increasingly searching the web for...
10 Jun 2015