
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Minimising wheeze in the under-threes: developing a respiratory assessment clinic for...

A reluctance to diagnose asthma in children under three who have recurrent cough and wheeze...

Development of a digital storytelling resource to support children’s nursing students...

A digital storytelling resource focusing on the experience of nursing in neonatal care was...

Improving children’s nurses’ knowledge of caring for people with mental health problems

Picture credit: Getty Images The aim of this project was to provide training to nursing...

Developing an information leaflet for children having planned procedures in hospital

We have developed an information leaflet with advice on how to support children before,...

How professionals should communicate with children who have mental healthcare needs

Young people with mental health needs are often cared for on children’s wards by generalist...

Respite services for children with life-limiting conditions and their families in...

Appropriate respite care for children with life-limiting conditions (LLC) and their families...

Pain management for chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis

The number of children and young people diagnosed with cancer is increasing every year. Pain...

Reshaping policy to deliver holistic care for adolescents with Crohn’s disease

The number of adolescents with Crohn’s disease (CD) is rising, with one third of cases...

A-Z of syndromes: Edwards’ syndrome

Disorders and diseases with common symptoms that constitute syndromes.

The nurse's role in childhood diabetes...

Daniel Allen summarises the latest guidance on childhood diabetes.

A-Z of syndromes: Edwards' syndrome

A series about disorders and diseases with common symptoms that constitute syndromes.

Can improvised somatic dance reduce acute pain for young people in hospital?

Aim This study explores the effects of improvised somatic dance (ISD) on children and young...

Partnership working between hospice and children’s community nursing teams

This article describes the implementation and evaluation of a new partnership between a...

An approach to mentoring healthcare play specialist students

Healthcare play specialists (HPSs) provide therapeutic play programmes for children in...

The BTS /SIGN guideline on asthma management

The UK is considered to have the highest rates of morbidity and mortality in children and...

Nurse-initiated and criteria-led discharge from hospital for children and young people

The readiness of a child or young person for discharge includes patient safety, the family’s...
Open access

Picture book support for preparing children ahead of and during day surgery

Aim To develop and evaluate the use of a specific picture book aiming to prepare children...

How holistic nursing can enhance the quality of life of children with cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is one of the most common life-limiting genetic conditions. This...

