
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Development of a nurse-led transport service for non-critical neonates and children

Understand the advantages of the transport nurse role and similar nurse-led services

Safely transferring critically ill adults and children during COVID-19

The role of retrieval nurse practitioners in inter-hospital transport of the critically ill

Barriers to health promotion with overweight children, young people and their families

Identifying the barriers that children’s nurses face in addressing overweight or obesity

Reducing pressure injuries in children caused by peripheral intravenous cannulae

Education, tubular bandaging and skin inspections could reduce incidence of pressure injuries

Development of a band 5 nurse coordinators’ competency pathway in a children’s hospital

How a children’s hospital developed a competency-based document and training day

Confidentiality breaches in hospital: the experiences of young people and parents

This study demonstrates the challenges of preserving confidentiality in children’s wards
Open access

Care after death in children’s hospices

Recommendations for moving and handling, and for managing physiological deterioration

Mitigating the effects of COVID on the work of a children’s clinical research facility

Learn how one children’s clinical research facility adapted to change during the pandemic

Type 1 disordered eating in children and young people with diabetes

Enhance your knowledge of recognising and managing type 1 disordered eating

Nurses’ experiences of managing vulnerability when working with seriously ill children

An exploration of the experiences of children’s nurses who work with seriously ill children

CPD in children’s nursing: identifying needs and delivering quality assured activities

Importance of measuring effect and quality of continuing professional development activities

Applying communication skills in the provision of family-centred care

A reflective account on how communication concepts and techniques can be applied to practice

Abdominal X-rays in children: indications, procedure and interpretation

Enhance your knowledge of the procedure for abdominal X-rays in children and interpretation

Managing fever in children: developing guidelines that turn evidence into practice

Why you should read this article • To learn how guidelines use evidence to make practice...

Enhancing knowledge of mental health issues among children’s nursing students:...

Why you should read this article: • To understand the experiences of children and young...

Supporting the transition from nursing student to newly qualified children’s nurse

A look at the challenges in the transition to children’s nurse and support strategies

Educational requirements of nurses providing care to children with complex needs

Numbers of children with complex needs has increased and many are cared for in the community

Living with lymphoedema: children’s and young people’s perspectives

Lymphoedema has a profound effect on daily life, body image and self-esteem

