A to Z of syndromes

A-Z of syndromes: Guillain-Barré syndrome

Signs, symptoms and management of a rare but serious syndrome that affects children

A-Z of syndromes: Fanconi anaemia

Part six of our series about disorders and diseases with common symptoms that constitute...

A-Z of syndromes: Edwards’ syndrome

Disorders and diseases with common symptoms that constitute syndromes.

A-Z of syndromes - Down’s syndrome

Down's syndrome is one of the most common congenital anomalies, affecting 1:1000...

A-Z of syndromes: Cornelia de Lange syndrome

Part three of our series for students: Cornelia de Lange syndrome.

A-Z of syndromes: Brittle bone disease

Part two of our series looking at disorders and diseases with common symptoms that...

A-Z of syndromes: Achondroplasia

Part one of a new series for students looking at disorders and diseases with common symptoms...

