Vilte Burneikaite, Institutional Marketing Specialist, at RCN congress in Bournemouth, June 2015.
Tina Sutch, Events Logistics Officer, talking to nurses at RCN congress in Bournemouth, June 2015.
The RCNi team meeting nurses to talk about revalidation at RCN congress in Bournemouth, June 2015
Tina Sutch and Vilte Burneikaite greeting nurses visiting our stand at RCN congress in Bournemouth, June 2015
Julie Sylvester, editor (and managing editor) of our specialist titles Primary Health Care and Nurse Researcher, speaking to nurses at RCN congress. June 2015.
Nick Lipley, editor of our specialist journals Emergency Nurse and Nursing Management, greeting nurses visiting our stand at RCN congress. June 2015.
Bushra Mughal, Classified Sales Executive, greets nurses at our RCN Bulletin Jobs Fair in Birmingham. July 2015
Colin Parish, editor of specialist journals Learning Disability Practice and Mental Health Practice, chairing our first Learning Disability conference in Manchester, September 2015.
Head of Marketing Ross Wilmot speaking to nurses at one of our popular RCN Bulletin Jobs Fairs, this time in London. September 2015.
Graham Scott, editor of Nursing Standard, running a revalidation workshop for nurses attending our RCN Bulletin Jobs Fair event in Glasgow, October 2015.
RCNi sponsored TelHack, which was Health Education England's Hackathon event aimed at transforming healthcare education. November 2015.
L to R: John Day (Technology Director), Gary Bell (Deputy Editorial Director), Helen Sumner (Head of Product Development), Graham Scott (Editorial Director), and Amanda Carter (Web editor) attending the PPA Digital Awards, November 2015.
L to R: Khyam Hussain (Internet Developer), John Day (Technology Director), Graham Scott (Editorial Director), Gary Bell (Deputy Editorial Director), Helen Sumner (Head of Product Development), Beryl John (Subscriptions Manager), Ross Wimot (Head of Marketing), Rachel Armitage (Managing Director), Susan Miller (Journal Administrator), Amanda Carter (Web editor). PPA Digital Awards, Nov 2015.
And we won! L to R: Sponsor Stuart Lacey, Managing Director of Quadrant; from RCNi Internet developer Khyam Hussain, Web editor Amanda Carter and Head of Marketing Ross Wilmot; and guest host Mark Watson