
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Nurse who faced more than 100 charges struck off

FtP panel told of inappropriate challenges to medication and patient discharge

Sepsis treatment: answers to 10 questions could unlock breakthrough for outcomes

Specialist nurses welcome new push to improve diagnosis and care by identifying priorities

Recommended 5.5% pay rise approved for nurses in Wales

Award receives tepid response from RCN Wales, which will now ask members if it’s enough

Nurse used funds from patient activity budget to pay for staff party

NMC panel hands out two-month suspension, but finds nurse is not ‘inherently dishonest’

Nursing job profiles: nurses won’t know review outcome until 2025

Band 4-6 revised profiles will be published after review of all bands is complete

Band 8 revamp boosts incentive for nurses to take the step up

New NHS pay points incentivise staff on band 7 to seek promotion despite loss of overtime pay

Develop your career or help fund your degree with an RCN Foundation grant

Applications open until 18 October – and you don’t have to be an RCN member to be eligible

Nurses in Scotland to vote on latest pay offer: will it be enough?

Unions are considering the long-awaited offer before consulting members

Nurse suspended after lowering patients’ early warning scores

Panel finds nurse lowered NEWS but did not note this alteration or escalate condition

Patient deaths remain raised when temporary nurses plug staffing gaps

Employing temporary nurses reduces but does not eliminate higher safety risk

Recruitment crisis: what would make nursing degrees more attractive to students?

Students need greater grant support to ensure they can afford to eat, says degree leader

Mary Seacole statue defaced in ‘disgraceful act of vandalism’

Memorial to nurse who has come to symbolise profession’s diversity is splattered with paint

Hospital reviews nursing staff numbers in ED after woman is found dying under her coat

Coroner orders NHS trust to provide progress report on resolving risk of preventable deaths

Consultation opens for you to give your verdict on NHS pay award

RCN consultation invites members to say if 5.5% rise is ‘enough of a start on our journey’

Riots: nursing staff can refuse to treat racist or violent patients

Updated guidance states that staff may withdraw care in certain situations

‘I shouldn’t have done it’: nurse who apologised for falsifying time sheets struck off

Denise Balanza falsely claimed pay for ten shifts at the Royal Preston Hospital

‘Scared to go to work’: Filipino nurses attacked in city riots

Nurses were going to work at hospital providing emergency cover amid violence, report says

ICU nurses awarded tens of thousands of pounds in band 6 back pay 

The 13 staff secured the award after job evaluation moved their roles from band 5 to band 6

