
Nursing Standard and Marie Curie want to hear from YOU in major new survey

Nursing Standard has joined forces with Marie Curie for a major new survey of UK nurses and healthcare assistants.

Nursing Standard has joined forces with Marie Curie for a major new survey of UK nurses and healthcare assistants

Marie Curie is the UK's leading charity providing care to people living with any terminal illness in their own homes or in one of the charity’s nine hospices.

The charity has over 2,100 nurses working in the community providing hands-on care to people with a terminal illness, as well as support for family and friends.

It has now teamed up with Nursing Standard -– the UK's most-widely read nursing journal – for a major new survey of the experiences of nurses and healthcare assistants in caring for people in the last months, weeks and days of life.

Questions include:

  • What training have you had?
  • What do you see as the barriers to providing high-quality care?
  • How confident do you feel in discussing the needs and wishes of patients in the final months, weeks or days of life.

The survey is open to all registered nurses and healthcare assistants in the UK, and closes on 13 Feburary.

Complete the survey here
