
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

International Nurses Day: what makes us proud of our profession

Nurses mark event by sharing what inspired their career choice and drives their commitment

Freeze on undergraduate places branded as incomprehensible, given agency spend

Funding decision a repeat of past mistakes that are expensive to fix, says nurses’ leader

Nursing abroad: how recruiters are tempting UK staff to Canada

Billboards show benefits such as escaping low pay and access to spectacular scenery

Nurse struck off after failing to give CPR and trying to cover up

Registrant ‘remorseful’ but failed to engage with regulator after suspension over incident

Job profiles: have your say on whether they value nurses’ skills

Consultation on proposed revisions to band 4, 5 and 6 job profiles begins

FtP hearings: plans that would bypass formal hearings in some cases are flawed, says NMC

Nurses could fear repercussions of accepting guilt, regulator and NHS Employers warn

Career progression … or lack of it: how being a man in nursing is a distinct advantage

Report reveals sex and race inequality in the NHS, with male nurses enjoying faster promotion

Retired nurse died after DNACPR patient notes mix up, inquest finds

Coroner rules that neglect contributed to Patricia Dawson’s death in the ED

What next – and who next – for nursing?

As England’s CNO prepares to step down, what should her successor’s priorities be?

Nurses forced into lower pay bands after requesting flexible hours

RCN chief brands practice ‘shameful’ and vows to get college’s lawyers to review issue

NHS employers reject suggested separate pay spine for nurses

RCN’s proposed nursing pay scale would harm morale, employers tell government consultation

Your employment rights: changes to carer’s leave, pregnancy rules and flexible working

Time off to support dependants becomes a legal right and redundancy protection is extended

Nursing student numbers: degree places ‘getting harder to fill’

University says it cannot meet national targets and had to scrap mental health intake

Compensation for charge nurse told she had to stop solely working night shifts

Managers rowed back on reasonable adjustments that helped her manage a chronic condition

Sexual harassment faced by hundreds of NHS staff goes unreported

Incidents include being touched or asked for sex, but half those affected don’t raise it

Nurses should get £35k starting salary, government told

RCN head Pat Cullen wants overhaul of pay bandings and improvements to nurse career pathway

Separate pay spine for nurses: decision draws a step closer

Nurses urged to air views on pay as government consultation closes at midnight

Nurse fitness to practise referrals soar amid high case backlog

NMC pledges £30 million to tackle disciplinary caseload

