
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Job ad for band 6 deputy matron role leaves nurses ‘speechless’

A trust has been accused of trying to employ ‘highly skilled nursing staff on the cheap’

Lib Dem leader’s pledge to improve cancer care and push for emergency health budget

Sir Ed Davey wants to provide a specialist nurse for every cancer patient if party is elected

Strike action: longer day shifts tip exhausted theatre nurses over the edge

‘Chronically overworked’ staff at London trust to strike for two days in protest

Speakers and hoodies for nurses in £850,000 gratitude scheme

Trust staff award ‘hearts’ to peers to exchange for items such as Bluetooth speakers

‘Advanced’ nursing associate job adverts labelled exploitative

Some job adverts promise band 5 status, leadership and line management responsibilities

Are you working beyond your band? In one part of the UK you can now ask for role review

Band 5 nurses in Scotland can request banding review if they believe they’re undervalued 

Online learning sites offer ‘nurse prescribing course’ from £9

Course can be taken by anyone aged 16 or over and appears to offer no assessment

Nurse suspended from register for stealing paracetamol from ward’s supplies for own use

It was common for staff to use ward paracetamol – I thought it was allowed, nurse told NMC

Nurse who failed to attempt CPR told she must not be in charge of a shift for 12 months

NMC ruled registrant failed to show leadership in an emergency and must retake training

Nursing student’s use of CPR saves woman’s life at airport

Karen Cochrane’s action after witnessing a heart attack is praised by family and staff

Agency and bank: NHS employers’ spending hits record high

Option of extra shifts benefits many staff, but union calls for longer-term staffing plan

Rugby star Gareth Thomas praises nurse who helped him cope with HIV diagnosis

Welsh star urges nurses to use their platform and knowledge to tackle stigma

Nurse suspended for six months for record-keeping failures

NMC panel finds agency nurse failed to complete care notes and record contact with patients

Resolve pay issues this summer, Ranger tells politicians

Whoever is in power after general election must end unfair delays, says RCN acting leader

RCN leader Pat Cullen quits so she can seek selection to stand in general election

General secretary who took nurses into historic strikes stands down in bid to become MP

Where are the men? Nursing profession fails to attract males

Report calls for ‘dismantling of stereotype that views nursing as suited primarily for women’

Nurses’ general election priorities: what’s on your policy wish list?

Nursing leaders and organisations respond to the announcement of a July general election

NMC chief executive resigns as she awaits neurosurgery following tumour diagnosis

My job is tough enough when you’re well, impossible when you’re not, says Andrea Sutcliffe

