
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Pay parity and safe staffing: nurses' views from the picket lines

Nurses in Northern Ireland take to picket lines amid failure to implement pay award

Nurse shortages part of inadequate rating at psychiatric hospital

Rampton Hospital was found to overuse restrictive practices due to understaffing

QNI grant will help community nurses severely affected by UK flooding

Storms in the UK have forced people out of their homes with some nurses unable to work

NHS pensions: changes could risk greater opt-out among lowest paid

Rises in contribution rates could prompt greater levels of pension opt-outs

Fair pay: call for evidence on new separate pay spine for nurses

Nurses’ pay spine could reward experience, says RCN, but others warn of divisiveness

70-year-old nurse cycles more than 300km to raise money for Cavell

Ian Clifford took on the challenge to help charity support colleagues in need

Undergraduates’ practice learning: NMC to review nursing students’ evolving needs

Regulator will examine proposals based on research that will examine overseas models

Delayed discharge figures prompt fresh worries over community nurse staffing shortage

Cost of delays tops £1.2 billion and also raises patient safety concerns, says RCN Scotland

You’re in one of the UK’s most in-demand jobs – but are you feeling valued?

Recruiters name nurses among the occupational groups with greatest shortfall of candidates

Nursing associates must not be used to strip out the nurse workforce, union warns

Ministers considering introducing the registered band 4 role for Wales’s NHS

Nurses to strike over lack of pay parity in Northern Ireland

Nurses to join day of action over failure to receive pay award in line with UK colleagues

Struck off: the ward manager who claimed band 7 pay rate for working band 5 bank shifts

Seconded manager who also worked shifts at her trust displayed ‘serious dishonesty’ – NMC

A family business: father and daughter become nurses at same time

Steven and Stevie-Leigh Jewell qualify as mental health nurses within weeks of each other

Mental health nurses left ‘high and dry’ as calls to helpline double

Calls to NHS 24 Mental Health hub regarding psychotic symptoms rose by 100% in two years

Calls to bring back face masks to combat new COVID-19 variant

NHS has received calls to reintroduce personal protective equipment as per WHO advice

Junior doctors’ strike: do nurses have to pick up the workload?

A fresh wave of NHS industrial action is likely to directly affect nursing workloads

Nursing apprentices celebrate as their programme’s first cohort to qualify

Two-year programme was established by independent healthcare provider

NHS staff fork out £46.6m to park at work as fees soar by 830%

Government criticised for not fulfilling its pledge to crack down on unfair parking fees

