
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Write off nurses’ loans after ten years, says report

Call for nurses’ student debt averaging £48,000 to be forgiven if they stay in the NHS

More competency courses added for overseas nurses

Tests offered for mental health and children’s nurses, amid rising demand for staff

Flexible new nursing degree will support work-life balance

Part-time degree aims to enable those with experience in caring roles to enter nursing

Now restore nurses’ pay, union tells Northern Ireland’s leaders

RCN demands urgent action to give nurses and others parity with rest of UK

Updated sepsis guidance ensures more targeted use of antibiotics

New advice gives more time to decide on antibiotic use for those less severely ill

Overseas workers’ treatment akin to human trafficking, MP says

Kwasi Kwarteng urges government to provide better protection for health and care workers

Lucy Letby is refused permission to appeal murder convictions

Court of Appeal turns down application by former nurse who received life sentence last year

‘Seismic shift’ in nurse pay urgently needed, union says

Nurses should never have to ‘finish your career on the same salary band as you started’

Newly registered nurses describe work culture as full of fear, anxiety and exhaustion

Report on challenges for newly qualified nurses and midwives calls for changes in NHS

Nursing associates celebrate five years of service in NHS

Nursing leaders praise benefits the role brings to the health service and patient care

Rise in nurse numbers ‘has not kept pace with demand for care’

Health think-tank also says growth in staff has not been spread evenly across NHS

Thousands of nursing shifts lost due to stress and anxiety

Unsafe working conditions pinpointed as union warns of burnout and mental health concerns

‘Anger and frustration’ of nurses may spark more strikes over pay

Union warns that Northern Ireland’s nurses could take further industrial action

Care home slammed for listing nurse-level skills in ad for nursing associate

Nurses have criticised employers for looking for a ‘cheap, expendable’ workforce

Don’t put agency nurses in position of providing strike cover, unions’ leader urges

Ban on use of temp staff to fill in for strikers must stay, say TUC and agencies’ body

Nurses skipping meals, going into debt to pay for their training

Many pay for training with loans or savings as employers fail to do so, says report

Award for nurse whose quick thinking saved man with severe saw injuries

Alice Chappell has been recognised for her lifesaving care at a minor injuries unit

Breast cancer: boost to specialist nurse numbers could slash costs

Investment in cancer nurse specialists could save NHS up to £118 million

