
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Mental health nurses on prescribing in Ireland

The study described here gauged perceptions of nurse prescribing among non-prescriber mental...

Delivering cognitive behaviour therapy in a secure setting

This article describes a service development aimed at increasing access to cognitive...

Using touch as a way to manage aggression

This article explores the positive effects of touch, in particular the benefits and...

Are mental health nurses natural smoking cessation practitioners?

People who have mental health problems have higher morbidity and mortality rates than the...

Importance of co-working in family interventions

For patients experiencing psychosis, family work is an effective and important intervention...

Exemption from the smoking ban in mental health hospitals in Wales

The 2007 Welsh smoking ban in public places exempts mental health hospitals. This...

Evaluation of borderline personality disorder awareness workshops for service users and...

The provision of borderline personality disorder (BPD) awareness workshops was a direct...

Introducing a behavioural family therapy approach in a secure setting

Aims To describe the development and the initial results of a behavioural family therapy...

Formulation-based risk assessment

Risk assessment remains fundamental to all mental health practice. Use of a framework of...

A healthy community living skills group in a high security hospital

This article discusses the setting up and running of a healthy community living skills group...

Problem-based learning in pre-registration mental health nursing: the student experience

Aim The aim of this study was to explore the use of problem-based learning (PBL) in the...

Inpatient mental health care in the first world war

The rising casualty rates during the first world war caused a major problem for the British...

Guidance for novice cognitive behaviour therapy supervisors

The recent much needed increase in the provision of evidenced-based psychological...

Sleep intervention for adults with autism spectrum condition

Aim The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a psychoeducation sleep-...

A specialist welfare advice and advocacy service for people with early onset dementia

Background UK prevalence of early onset dementia is increasing. Previous research has...

Research-active nurses: the myths, fears and potential

For nursing to progress, it needs to be continuously examined by practising staff through...

Assessment of pain and alleviation of distress for people living with a dementia

Many people living with a dementia are either not recognised as having pain or do not...

Developing training in intramuscular injections

There is a wealth of international publications regarding evidence-based practice in...

