
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Campaign launched to tackle hate crimes against people with learning disabilities

A campaign has been launched to tackle hate crime against people with learning disabilities.

Not enough learning disability nurses for future patients

By 2021 the number of people with learning disabilities will increase by 14%, without the...

Take time to prepare for revalidation, learning disability nurses urged

Take time to prepare for revalidation, learning disability nurses are warned.

Book clubs to aid nurses with patients who have learning disabilities

Book clubs can help lessen anxiety about healthcare for those with learning disabilities.

New resource will help mental health nurses care for those with learning disabilities

A new resource will help mental health nurses to better support and care for people with...

Learning disability nurses 'can change people’s perceptions'

A service user has said learning disability nurses can play a vital role in educating other...

Learning Disability Mortality Review addressing premature deaths

People with learning disabilities are three times more likely to die from treatable causes...

GPs’ role vital in care for people with learning disabilities, say nurses

GPs play vital role in improving care for people with learning disabilities, nurse leaders...

Too many people with learning disabilities being admitted to hospital, says lead nurse

Too many people with learning disabilities are still being admitted into hospital as...

RCN sets out timetable for ANP accreditation project

The RCN is taking a phased approach to advanced nurse practitioner accreditation.

Questions over rights of disabled people following Brexit

Concerns about the rights of disabled people in the wake of Brexit have been outlined in a...

70,000 people with learning disabilities not having a health check, figures show

More than 70,000 people with learning disabilities did not receive a health check, according...

Union invites public to thank nurses for the job they do

Unison aims to highlight work of nurses and other public servants ahead of government...

Brexit threatens future of 78,000 social care workers, report warns

Failure to recruit sufficient numbers of British-born care workers could leave older people...

Trust offers band 5 nurses £1,000 'golden hello' bonus

To recruit more nurses for its adult inpatient units, Humber NHS Foundation Trust is...

Survey highlights smoking and weight issues among mental health and learning disability...

Scottish Government reveals physical health statistics and bed occupancy rates in Scotland.

The conquering anxiety guide

The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities (FPLD) is about to launch a revised...

Patients need more help to self-manage diabetes, says CQC

Major diabetes review warns the NHS must do more to help patients self-manage their condition

