
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Substituting nurses with nursing assistants linked to higher patient death risk, study...

Reasearch shows one professional nurse substitution associated with a 21% rise in patient...

Website helps mental health nurses support people with learning disabilities on acute...

Charity encourages mental health nurses working on acute wards to organise themselves using...

Plagiarism and exam cheating among thousands of academic misconduct cases on UK nursing...

A Nursing Standard investigation reveals thousands of UK nursing students have been involved...

Drive to curb attrition on nursing and other healthcare courses by 50%

The government wants drop-out rates halved by next year.

RCN honours nurses who served during conflicts

RCN lays crosses at the Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey.

‘Utter shambles’ for NHS workers who overpaid tax while undergoing training

Nurses who took part in the Widening Access Training (WAT) scheme could be eligible for a...

Nurses are central to protecting physical health of prisoners

Nurses must ensure patients in prison receive the same standard of care as those outside,...

NHS staff turning to food banks and payday loans

Hard-pressed health service staff are struggling to make ends meet, according to Unison...

Experimental autism therapy ‘reduces core symptoms in children’

Autism therapy trial that helped parents communicate with their children reports ‘...

Four out five healthcare professionals subjected to bullying, new research reveals

Four out five healthcare professionals have been subjected to bullying, new research reveals.

Leading nurse collects OBE from the Queen at Buckingham Palace

Leading nurse Pauline Watts had a date with royalty today when she collected her OBE from...

Northern Irish nurses to receive 1% pay rise after seven-month wait

A pay rise of 1% promised to nurses in Northern Ireland seven months ago will finally appear...

Nurses at heightened risk of domestic abuse

Nurses are three times more likely than the average person to have experienced domestic...

Nurses can help fight modern slavery, say NHS leaders

Nurses are being urged to help join in the fight against so-called ‘modern slavery’, in an...

‘Perfect storm’ threatens UK’s nursing workforce supply

The RCN’s labour market review has highlighted a crisis in the UK’s nursing supply including...

Nurses need coping strategies to deal with rudeness from colleagues

A study has shown that nurses can better cope with rude remarks from colleagues if they...

Learning disability nurse given OBE

Gwen Moulster received the honour from Prince William at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday, in...

Learning Disability Nursing Award now open for entries in the RCNi Nurse Awards 2017

Learning disability nurses are invited to enter the RCNi Nurse Awards 2017 - the UK nursing...

