
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Government ‘storing up problems’ as mature students shun nursing, RCN warns

Six thousand fewer mature students have applied to study nursing, according to UCAS figures

BME nurses more likely to be referred to NMC by employer – but white staff more likely...

Black and minority ethnic (BME) nurses are disproportionately referred to the Nursing and...

'Nurses on 12-hour shifts more likely to take sick leave'

Nurses are more likely to take sickness leave if working 12-hour shift patterns, new...

NHS could be up to 42,000 nurses short after Brexit, projection claims

The NHS could suffer a nursing shortage of up to 42,000 just six years after Brexit, a...

Nurses urged to apply for funding to improve health for BME communities

Nurses with ideas for healthcare projects to improve health outcomes of black and minority...

'Intentional rounding does not work for all patients and nurses'...

Not all patients and nurses benefit from the system on hospital wards known as intentional...

RCN to consult members on response to continued pay restraint

The RCN is to consult nurses on how it should respond to continuing pay restraint –...

England's chief nursing officer defends £10m learning disability funding delay...

The chief nursing officer for England has defended the delay in transferring £10 million of...

England's only learning disability hospital to close...

England's only specialist learning disabilities hospital will close in 2019 as part of move...

Rise in nurse numbers shows Wales 'moving in the right direction' – RCN...

Report showing nurse, midwife and health visitor numbers rose 1.3% in a year are welcomed by...

Peers urge review of pay restraint and morale

Ministers should review pay policy for nurses and other NHS staff and the impact it has on...

Revalidation: One year on

More than 200,000 nurses and midwives have completed the new system to check they are fit to...

The fight for better pay goes on, RCN says

College will continue to fight for fair pay for nurses as the 1% pay cap is set to remain in...

U-turn over agency ban

NHS Improvement has agreed to pause plans to prevent nurses working for an agency if they...

Plan to speed up NMC Fitness to Practise process welcomed

New powers to give warnings and advice on the future conduct in Fitness to Practise (FtP)...

Nurse sacked after offering to pray with patients awaits tribunal decision

Christian nurse sacked by NHS after offering to pray with patients before surgery claims...

Fast-track nursing programme revealed

Nurse First aims to attract high-achieving graduates into nursing

NMC fee to remain at £120 for 2017-18, regulator confirms

The Nursing and Midwifery Council's (NMC) annual registration fee will remain at £120 for...

