
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Now's the time to nominate exemplary nurses for Kate Granger awards...

Chief nurse urges more nurses to nominate colleagues and teams for Kate Granger...

UK nurse numbers fall for first time in recent history

More nurses and midwives are leaving the Nursing and Midwifery Council register than are...

MP vote on policy amendment to lift nurse pay cap

MPs debated Labour Party amendment to the Queen's Speech to lift the public sector pay cap.

Planned social care savings 'will hit older and disabled people'...

Survey of council directors of social services across England found there are plans to save...

Nurses take protest over pay to Department of Health

Nurses across England and Scotland intensified their demands for a pay rise as the RCN's...

Patients Association appoints new chief executive

The Patients Association’s appointment of Rachel Power as chief executive marks the start of...

Hospital fire safety under spotlight after Grenfell

The NHS has confirmed it is reviewing fire safety procedures in the wake of the Grenfell...

Nurses across UK to start ‘summer of protest’ rallies next week

The first wave of RCN ‘summer of protest’ rallies will begin next week, with nurses makking...

Give nurses breaks during heatwave, employers urged

Nurses are at risk of dehydration during hot weather, warns Royal College of Nursing.

NHS workforce 'scarcely mentioned' in Queen's Speech, says RCN...

College disappointed with government's legislative programme.

Guidance for nurses on how to record public health impact

A new toolkit has been created by Public Health England and the Royal Society for Public...

‘Challenge assumptions about dementia in learning disability patients’

Dementia Action Alliance says nurses must not be afraid to intervene on behalf of learning...

UK nurse receives high honour

A leading UK nurse has received the Great Cross of Spanish Nursing for his efforts to...

Former whistleblower urges nurses to share their stories of raising care concerns

Staff should put their case forward to be reviewed.

Nurses' achievements recognised in Queen's Birthday Honours...

Queen's Nursing Institute chief executive Crystal Oldman among nurses recognised in the...

Nurses take up seats in the House of Commons

Four nurses will be heading to parliament when MPs resume their seats in the House of...

Learning disability nurse named RCN Northern Ireland Nurse of the Year

Siobhan Rogan established Northern Ireland’s first community-based fully integrated child...

Nurses praised for courage during hospital blaze

Staff helped evacuate patients during fire at Royal Stoke University Hospital.

