Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.
Health Equalities Framework: the effect of moving from a care home to other settings on...
Health disparities between people with learning disabilities and the rest of the population
14 May 2020
Factors influencing the self-esteem of children with a severe or profound learning...
How the concept of ‘double discrimination’ can affect children with a learning disability
11 May 2020
Supporting people with intellectual disabilities to discuss death and bereavement
This article describes a public engagement project on bereavement
19 Mar 2020
Investigating accessible information formats with people who have learning disabilities
Issues that some service users may experience when using easy-read materials
12 Mar 2020
Using cognitive behavioural therapy in individuals with intellectual disability
Understanding the principles and challenges of delivering CBT
05 Mar 2020
Supporting people with learning disabilities to move out of long-stay hospitals
Transforming care: negotiating the complex discharge process
27 Feb 2020
Helicobacter pylori: nurses’ perceptions of diagnosis and treatment in adults
Actions healthcare professionals can take to reduce the risk of spread of H. pylori infection
13 Feb 2020
Alternative admission process for patients with an ASD and/or an intellectual disability
People’s experiences can be improved by ensuring a smooth transition to inpatient care
28 Jan 2020
Functional assessments to involve service users in a positive behaviour support plan
Evaluating a functional assessment for people with an LD and behaviour that challenges
23 Jan 2020
Supporting people with learning disabilities to have blood tests
This article describes a group intervention that took place primarily in a healthcare setting
21 Jan 2020
Role of a learning disability nursing network in developing students’ skills
Why you should read this article • To enhance your awareness of how online networking can...
16 Jan 2020
Development of training programme to manage behaviour
Some children and young people with a learning disability also present with behaviour that...
05 Dec 2019
Exploring the value of reflexivity in learning disability research
Reflexivity can be used by researchers to manage their thoughts, feelings and preconceptions
17 Oct 2019
Resource Buddy: an online resource to support mindfulness-based interventions
Exploring the evidence base for mindfulness-based interventions for people with LDs
23 Sep 2019
The Telford model: inspiring new leaders in learning disability nursing
Supporting and mentoring learning disability nursing students can be rewarding for all...
12 Sep 2019
Reintegration of people with mental health problems or learning disabilities from prison
The benefits of a communication forum specifically in support of community reintegration
05 Sep 2019
Syndromes: Batten disease
A look at Batten disease, a collection of rare and fatal inherited disorders of the nervous...
22 Aug 2019
Staff training in services for people who have LDs with behaviour that challenges
An interactive and collaborative approach may be most effective
29 Jul 2019