
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

It’s great to grow up

For many years the maturity of learning disabled children has been highly...

Twice the professional?

There is a general recognition that the quality of services provided to people with...

Nothing about us without us

In March 2001 Valuing People set out a range of proposals for improving the lives...

Assertive outreach

The National Service Framework for Mental Health (DoH 1999a) and NHS Plan (DoH 2000...

Right for the job

The recent secondment of two learning disability nurses offered our community...

A time to reflect

There are many definitions of reflective practice, but most authors agree it...

Focus on abuse

Over the past decade there has been an increasing awareness that some adults are at...

Executive decision

The goal of the Scottish Executive, which took over responsibility for the country’...

Support system

This article addresses the important issue of the assessment of an individual with...

Stress busters

Care work in learning disability services has long been seen to be a stressful...

Reaching out

Assertive outreach services were originally developed to engage an identified group...

Older parents face rising stress levels as housing crisis looms

Thousands of elderly people are enduring high levels of stress because local...

Inclusion, partnership and innovation

May 31 was an important day for learning disability nurses within Wales. At a...

Born in the USA: learning the lessons on improving people’s quality of life

Quality of life is a difficult concept to describe. While we may know what it means...

Any volunteers?

Last year was the United Nations International Year of Volunteering. This provided...

A fragrant message

Having been interested in massage and aromatherapy for many years, I decided to...

Commitment to PREP

Continuing professional development (CPD) for learning disability nurses is well...

Boxed in: the challenge of ‘dual diagnosis’

It is only relatively recently that mental health and mental illness have entered...

