Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.
‘what’ and ‘how’: understanding professional involvement in person centred planning...
Beginning with case studies about planning, we describe the planning styles that...
Exploring Orem’s self-care deficit nursing theory in learning disability nursing:...
Orem’s self-care deficit nursing theory (Orem 2001) is widely used and accepted by...
Exploring Orem’s self-care model in learning disability nursing: Practical application...
The development of nursing knowledge has been a theme in general nursing literature...
risk assessment and epilepsy
The primary aim of this article is to share a multidisciplinary model for risk...
never ceasing our exploration: understanding person centred planning
When first contemplating writing this article we considered what aspect of person...
Resolution for change
With the closure of the majority of the long-stay learning disability hospitals and...
Scaling a mountain
T he conference, which built on a similar event held last year in London, aimed to...
Time to end cycle of failure in Scotland
The Scottish Executive is currently considering the implications of a new...
risk assessment and management of suicide and self-harm within a forensic learning...
Risk assessment and risk management have been on the government’s agenda since the...
person centred planning & professional workshops
The following is an overview of a process that has been started by the Valuing...
beyond rhetoric: access to mainstream health services in Ireland
It has been argued that Ireland is atypical among its European neighbours in...
Developing a multi-agency core training programme for staff working in learning...
It has long been recognised that good quality services for people with a learning...
making a difference
In June 2000 I wrote an article for this journal titled ‘Pioneering spirit’ (LDP...
The care programme approach and people with learning disabilities
The CPA policy can be the traced back to the proposals to close the network of long...
Sign of the times
Historically people with learning disabilities have been unable to lead the...
Eastern promise
The Geneva initiative on Psychiatry (GIP) is an international organisation...
improve and care
Issues relating to the sexuality of people with learning disabilities are receiving...
Lifespan or separate: which service is best?
There are about 210,000 people with severe learning disabilities in England, while...