
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

developing a guide to mental health for families and carers of people with intellectual...

People with learning disabilities are at greater risk of developing mental health...

improving access to breast screening

The Valuing People White Paper (Department of Health 2001) identified the need for...

person centred planning & the care programme approach

The Valuing People White Paper (DoH 2001) emphasised that people with learning...

the special projects team

Until fairly recently, most people with intellectual disability and challenging...

mind the gaps

At a time when curriculum revision for pre-registration nurse education has reduced...

home and away

The relationship between siblings is often lifelong, perhaps spanning 80 years or...

Consultant nurses: making a vital contribution

There are over 200 consultant nurses in post in the four UK countries. They work in...

The right connexions?

Connexions, the government’s youth support and advice service, was launched in...

person centred planning and care management

The Valuing People White Paper (Department of Health 2001) stressed the importance...

Joint training: best of both worlds?

Many views, doubts and hopes have been expressed about joint training since its...

learning disability research: a discussion paper

Part of my role as research co-ordinator in the learning disability directorate of...

consulted or excluded?

We live in a culture in which national and local policy drivers emphasise the need...

person centered health action planning

Person centered planning (PCP) is a key component of this government’s Valuing...

Spiritual healing

Spirituality is a basic human need and a human right. Most would agree that...

the impact of nurse education on staff attributions in relation to challenging behaviour

There has been a growing debate about the role of learning disability nursing as a...

The management of challenging sexual behaviour

Care providers need to do more to acknowledge that challenging sexual behaviour is...

Minority report

There are few issues in the field of learning disabilities on which everyone -...

spoilt for choice?

Choice is increasingly taking centre stage of the modernisation agenda within the...

