
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

The PEPE project: Trialling a German epilepsy education programme for english use

PEPE, a Psycho-Educative Programme about Epilepsy, was designed at the Bethel...

Living with shattered dreams

Much has been written over the years from various professional perspectives about...

Nia’s story … continued

This week I experienced one of my proudest moments – my daughter attending the new...

life story work and bereavement: shared reflections on its usefulness

Supporting a person who has a learning disability with issues relating to loss and...

working together: developing an educative programme on the use of touch

Sex education for people with learning disabilities is a contentious issue (Craft...

road to success: recognising service users’ contribution to the development of practice

Over the last 25 years there has been growing emphasis placed on the rights of...

evaluating health checks

Acknowledging that people with learning disability have poorer health than the rest...

Learning disability awareness training for hospital staff

Hospitals should be accessible to everyone. As a Valuing People Support Team...

digital hearing aids: a life transformed

Digital hearing aids have transformed Sonia’s life after a long struggle with a...

Millfields Charter why I am in favour

Some concerned colleagues and I launched the Millfields Charter in October 2005. I...

Millfields charter drawing the wrong conclusions

The sentiments of those who support the Millfields Charter in seeking to improve...

Millfields Charter finding the middle ground

To be asked to mediate in a published debate on an important national issue is...

dementia and Down syndrome: the diagnosis and support needed

Recent research has suggested that the early symptoms and signs of dementia in...

a vision for learning disability nursing: where to now?

After what appears like years in the wilderness for learning disability nursing, it...

person-centred planning in Hampshire: creating sustainable approaches

Aperson-centred plan (PCP) is not a one-off event but a continuous, evolving...

intellectual disability nurses’ interest in undertaking postgraduate education

Intellectual disability nursing in Ireland has developed since 1926, largely within...

reporting research: using the views of people with learning disabilities

People with learning disabilities are increasingly participating in research and...

training opportunities in mental health and learning disabilities

Mental health problems are a significant issue for many people with learning...

