Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.
An evaluation of the Health Equality Framework in south east Scotland
The Health Equality Framework (HEF) is an outcome measurement tool to record any work that...
19 Nov 2018
Development of a multidisciplinary care pathway for people with profound and multiple...
The adult community learning disability team in Cornwall made a commitment to provide a...
13 Nov 2018
Syndromes: Prader-Willi syndrome
A series about conditions with common symptoms that constitute syndromes A series about...
29 Oct 2018
Educational systems for inclusive education in Norway, Romania, Scotland and Sweden
A lifelong learning Erasmus intensive programme promoting inclusion of persons with...
02 Oct 2018
Celebrating a classic text: The Cloak of Competence revisited
This article celebrates one of the most important books in the history of intellectual...
20 Sep 2018
Investigating the impact of staff training in positive behavioural support on service...
Aim To investigate whether staff training in positive behavioural support (PBS) improves...
19 Sep 2018
Experiences of using a health community team service for people with a learning...
Aim To investigate the views of people with a learning disability on their experiences of...
18 Sep 2018
Low arousal approaches to manage behaviours of concern
Background Behaviours of concern restrict opportunities and choices for some people with...
13 Sep 2018
Syndromes: Rett syndrome
A series about conditions with common symptoms that constitute syndromes
13 Sep 2018
Improving the respiratory health of adults with learning disabilities
People with learning disabilities are more likely to die from respiratory tract disease and...
23 Jul 2018
The experiences of people with learning disabilities in co-produced challenging...
This article is a co-authored account of the co-production process for the Who’s Challenging...
20 Jul 2018
An event to promote mental health and well-being for people with a learning disability
It is known that people with a learning disability can experience higher rates of mental...
19 Jul 2018
An update on informed consent and the effect on the clinical practice of those working...
In people with learning disability who have capacity under the Mental Capacity Act 2005...
18 Jul 2018
Syndromes: Fragile X syndrome
Series about conditions with common symptoms that constitute syndromes
28 Jun 2018
Urinary continence promotion and people with an intellectual disability
Continence is regarded as a basic need and many continence problems can be addressed and...
18 May 2018
Evaluating a group for young people who have a sibling with a disability
Siblings of children who have a disability frequently take on care, responsibility and...
15 May 2018
Prevalence and management of coeliac disease in people with Down’s syndrome
People with Down’s syndrome are more likely to have additional health complications than the...
08 May 2018
Syndromes: Down’s syndrome
Second in a series about conditions with common symptoms that constitute syndromes
03 May 2018