Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.
A healthy diet to reduce the risk of dementia in people with a learning disability
There is an increased prevalence of dementia in people with a learning disability, but...
04 Aug 2017
Using the Picture Exchange Communication System with families of children with autism
Children with autism experience difficulties with communication and interaction, and these...
04 Aug 2017
Understanding of the Care Act 2014 among carers of adults with learning disabilities
Aims The Care Act 2014 gives carers the right to an assessment of their needs and provides a...
26 May 2017
Using the hub and spoke student placement model in learning disability settings
The hub and spoke model of nursing student placement has been around in various guises for...
26 May 2017
Supporting people across the lifespan: the role of learning disability nurses
Strengthening the Commitment, the Modernising Learning Disabilities Nursing Review,...
26 May 2017
A protocol for the preparation of patients for theatre and recovery
This article explores the creation of a specific protocol to prepare children and young...
27 Mar 2017
Determining the sensory needs of children with Hunter and Sanfilippo syndromes who need...
Background Children with a learning disability may process sensory information differently...
27 Mar 2017
Avoiding hospital admissions through the use of care and treatment reviews
The Transforming Care agenda and subsequent scrutiny of hospital admissions for people with...
27 Mar 2017
Familiarity and strangeness: a case study of one woman with learning disabilities in...
Examining the past reveals links with the present and enables reflection on how things have...
27 Mar 2017
An exploration of what motivates people to participate in oral history projects
Aim To make the stories about former long-stay institutions available to a wider audience,...
27 Mar 2017
The role of nurses in supporting people with intellectual disabilities to manage asthma
People with intellectual disabilities have greater health needs than the general population...
25 Jan 2017
Optimal nutrition for bone health in people with a learning disability
People with learning disabilities are at increased risk of low bone mineral density,...
25 Jan 2017
Gaining the power of initiation through intensive interaction
People with profound and multiple learning disabilities experience communication...
25 Jan 2017
The benefits of gaining research experience through a secondment
This article describes one learning disability nurse’s experience of being seconded to work...
25 Jan 2017
Supporting women with learning disabilities during breast cancer diagnosis in Ireland
As women grow older, they are at increased risk of developing breast cancer. Evidence...
28 Nov 2016
Physical interventions: hiding in plain sight
The 2014 launch of Positive and Proactive Care: Reducing the Need for Restrictive...
28 Nov 2016
Physical interventions: hiding in plain sight
The 2014 launch of Positive and Proactive Care: Reducing the Need for Restrictive...
28 Nov 2016
Psychological formulation in a community learning disability team
This article outlines the initial training and continuing facilitation of team-based...
28 Nov 2016