
An examination of envy and jealousy in nursing academia

Aim To discuss envy and jealousy and how their positive and negative aspects among nurse...

Essentials of building a career in nursing research

Background Nursing research is fundamental to driving evidence-based practice and achieving...

Grasp every opportunity

Nursing or hairdressing? Julie Hall talks about her career and why she has never regretted...

Without a clear path, senior nurses are lost

Financial uncertainty and a lack of defined career pathways mean specialist staff get stuck...

Simple ways to take back control and reduce your stress levels

In a challenging work situation, the level of stress and anxiety you are feeling may well be...

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RCN Bulletin Jobs Fair

The largest nursing recruitment and career advice events in the UK

The oncology triage pioneer

Quality in Care Cancer Nurse of the Year 2016 Philippa Jones has undertaken pioneering work...

Juggling multiple tasks nursing in the Middle East

Emergency and resuscitation nurse consultant Nick Castle recently became assistant executive...

How to set up a nurse-led clinic

Detailed planning and communication with team members are vital to creating a successful...

‘I want to work in dementia care’

A new apprenticeship scheme in East Anglia has helped Megan Burrows discover and embrace her...

Trusted family help as a health visitor

Becoming a health visitor gives you the chance to help families at challenging times. It...

Privileged position as ward sister in an acute stroke unit

Claire Harris is ward sister in the acute stroke unit, Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, Wales...

Changing perceptions of care homes

Bupa UK area manager of care homes in Glasgow Aileen Waton had never intended to work in the...

Platforms for career progression

Nurses and employers are increasingly turning to social media to promote themselves in the...

Redundancy - When one door closes

Redundancy can be dispiriting but take the opportunity to draw a breath, learn from mistakes...

Your path to research

Combining clinical practice with research can be difficult and, for many nurses, this...

Meet the headache specialist

Julie Edwards’ skills are highly sought after and her role’s effectiveness has been...
