borderline personality disorder

May is Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month. The condition, which is also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder, is often misunderstood and, unlike many other mental health diagnoses, carries a stigma.

To mark the month we have brought together a series of related articles from Mental Health Practice and other RCNi journals. We hope that they will raise awareness of the challenges faced by people living with the feelings and behaviours associated with the condition and support your practice.

Please contact with your comments, suggestions or feedback and help raise awareness of our content by sharing this series on social media using the weblink

An illustration showing a woman with three heads and no facial features representing a struggle with self-image and mood experienced by people with borderline personality disorder

Borderline personality disorder: updates and advice for mental health nurses 

This controversial diagnosis can develop from early trauma and can be mistaken for PTSD

Working effectively with people who have received a diagnosis of personality disorder

Working effectively with people who have received a diagnosis of personality disorder

A critique of this diagnosis and interventions, care and approaches that may be beneficial

A community-based crisis intervention for people with borderline personality disorder

Borderline personality disorder: community-based crisis intervention

How a mental health trust undertook a ‘managing distress pathway’ pilot project

Living with… borderline personality disorder

Hollie Berrigan discusses the sometimes devastating effects of a BPD diagnosis

Personality disorder: changing attitudes to people with complex emotional difficulties

People perceived as having ‘complex needs’ often face exclusion from effective treatment

Differentiating between borderline personality disorder and autism spectrum disorder

Differentiating between borderline personality disorder and autism spectrum disorder

Complexities involved in diagnosing and managing people with co-morbid BPD and ASD

Jodie Alder

Advanced nurse practitioner in personality disorder

Jodie Alder explains why she chose to work in secure services for men

Hospital opens door to fresh start for patients with personality disorder

A hospital’s ‘open door’ helps people with emotionally unstable personality disorder to cope

Reaching a crisis point: how carers having your back can matter most

Marsha McAdam describes how appropriate support helped her to cope in a crisis

Group therapy

A practice-based evaluation of a dialectical behavioural therapy skills group...

Background Dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT) is an empirically supported intervention...

Adolescent mental health

Evaluation of a pilot dialectical behaviour therapy skills training group, in a child...

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), a cognitive behavioural treatment, was developed...

Hannah and Moody

‘My nurse helped me believe I could recover - and that I deserved to’

Hannah is looking forward to qualifying as a nurse, and says her future looks bright thanks...

Mental health nurse helps me feel empowered and independent

Jo Mullen says her community mental health nurse Nadine MacArthur has helped her find...

Nursing students’ attitudes towards patients with borderline personality disorder

Background Negative attitudes and stigma towards patients with borderline personality...

Use and efficacy of a borderline personality disorder tool

The self-identification and evaluation of borderline personality disorder (BPD) tool, also...

Assessing a six-month dialectical behaviour therapy skills-only group

Background Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is recognised as a successful treatment for...

Staff attitudes towards people with borderline personality disorder

This article explores and analyses the negative attitudes adopted by some staff towards...
