Countdown to Christmas
Update 3 January 2017: We hope you enjoyed our Christmas content giveaway. All these articles and more are available to RCNi subscribers throughout the year.
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Original story: We're joining the season's festivities by giving away a different article for free each day in the run up to Christmas
We'll be counting down to the main event by revealing a new piece of content every day for you to read for free, simply by registering to our website.
It's a reminder of some of the highlights subscribers have access to throughout the year, including clinical articles to guide your practice, our favourite comment pieces, and a range of features from across the breadth of our journals.
We hope you enjoy the articles, which will remain free throughout December, and as always, do let us know what you think.
Happy holidays from everyone at RCNi!
December 24
Our survey reveals noise still a problem on wards
Nursing Standard managing editor Janet Snell says:
'Soft-close bins and pen torches can make all the difference to a hospital patient desperate to get some sleep yet too many places still don't use them. This news analysis highlights a national problem and features examples of units that have found ways of tackling it.'
December 23
Break down the barriers
Nursing Standard commissioning editor Thelma Agnew says:
'Lynne Pearce's impressively detailed article showed how a North East London trust achieved real change for black and minority ethnic staff – a world away from the all too familiar 'tick box' mentality.'
December 22
How to manage a choking adult
Nursing Standard evidence and practice editor Gwen Clarke says:
'Our how-to articles are aimed at helping you update your practice and make sure it is evidence-based. This article on managing a choking adult was a good example of that, I thought.'
December 21
Supporting a nursing student in general practice
Primary Health Care editor Julie Sylvester says:
'I chose this article as it gives three perspectives on what it is like to be a student, mentor and practitioner for a placement in a general practice setting. Raising the numbers of students opting to go straight into primary care is essential to keep staff numbers up.'
December 20
A real-time Excel-based scheduling solution for nursing staff reallocation
Nursing Management editor Sophie Blakemore says:
'This article was one of the most read on our website at the time of publication – it offers nurse managers an easy to use solution to help them cover sudden staff absences.'
December 19
Public health nursing must evolve and forge links with other services
Nursing Standard commissioning editor Thelma Agnew says:
'A big issue – how should we tackle health inequalities? – given a fresh and thought-provoking analysis.'
December 18
End of life and palliative care of patients with drug and alcohol addiction
Mental Health Practice editor Colin Parish says:
'I have chosen Rosie Mundt-Leach's article about end of life care for people with drug and alcohol addiction because it highlights an essential aspect of nursing care for a group of people who rarely get the help they desperately need.'
December 17
Partnership working between hospice and children's community nursing teams
Nursing Children and Young People editor Chris Walker says:
'I chose this article as it describes a new partnership between a hospice service and an NHS community nursing team which is helping to improve children's palliative care.'
December 16
Down's syndrome screening: women must have the right to choose
Nursing Standard commissioning editor Thelma Agnew says:
'I felt this was a calm, considered and insightful response to the furore over more accurate prenatal testing for Down's.'
December 15
Learning from experience: what happened when one university employed a lecturer with learning difficulties
Learning Disability Practice editor Colin Parish says:
'I have chosen Paul Maloret and Scott Watkin's article about Scott's role as a person with learning disabilities who is a university lecturer as it demonstrates that, with reasonable adjustments, people can achieve exceptional things.'
December 14
Triad of death: the importance of temperature monitoring in trauma patients
Emergency Nurse editor Sophie Blakemore says:
'This is a detailed article on one of the fundamentals of emergency nursing – temperature monitoring in trauma patients. It received great positive feedback from readers when first published.'
December 13
In-hospital resuscitation: recognising and responding to adults in cardiac arrest
Nursing Standard evidence and practice editor Gwen Clarke says:
'I chose this article as survival rates remain low for patients who have a cardiac arrest in hospital. It is vital nurses in all areas of practice know what to do if someone has an arrest.'
December 12
Who's caring?
Primary Health Care editor Julie Sylvester says:
'I chose this article because it gets to the root of the issues around adequate training for health care assistants working in primary care settings. They need adequate training to protect themselves and patients.'
December 11
An integrated model for breast cancer and palliative care
Cancer Nursing Practice editor Lisa Berry says:
'I chose this article as a good example of the benefits of adopting a proactive approach to care for patients with advanced disease, which has avoided distressing emergency hospital admissions at the end of life and improved working with community services.'
December 10
Maintaining professional boundaries
Nursing Standard commissioning editor Thelma Agnew says:
'I chose this piece for its impressive insights and practical advice on a tricky area for nurses.'
December 9
International perspectives on social media guidance for nurses: a content analysis
Nursing Management editor Sophie Blakemore says:
'An interesting perspective on what professional guidance is available to help nurses make the most of social media – safely – in their roles and what guidance is lacking.'
December 8
Star Wards – awakening the online force
Mental Health Practice editor Colin Parish says:
'I have chosen this article by Nic Higham about how Star Wards has expanded its resources to cover children and young people because it's great to see nurses get really helpful stuff for free.'
December 7
How to introduce yourself to patients
Nursing Standard evidence and practice editor Gwen Clarke says:
'I chose this article because, thanks to the brilliant #hellomynameis campaign by the late Kate Granger, getting this fundamental interaction right is high on everyone's agenda.'
December 6
Clinical update: Bronchiolitis
Nursing Children and Young People editor Chris Walker says:
'I chose this article as it provides children's nurses with a timely reminder of the signs and symptoms of this respiratory infection, which is prevalent at this time of year.'
December 5
Prescribing of psychotropic medicines: the role of learning disability nurses
Learning Disability Practice editor Colin Parish says:
'This article about the role of learning disability nurses in prescribing is especially relevant given the nationwide move to reduce the amount of psychotropic medications prescribed to people with learning disabilities.'
December 4
After Brexit – what now for nurses and the NHS?
Nursing Standard commissioning editor Thelma Agnew says:
'The dust from the year's political earthquake, expertly sifted for nurses. Things have moved on since the summer, but this is still a handy guide for any nurse who wants to understand the meaning of Brexit.'
December 3
Opportunities to preserve forensic evidence in emergency departments
Emergency Nurse editor Sophie Blakemore says:
'This is a great article which gives a very thorough overview, with illustrations, of how emergency nurses can help victims of violence and support the legal system to secure prosecutions.'
December 2
Reflection, return to practice and revalidation
Nursing Older People editor Lisa Berry says:
'I chose this CPD as the author presents reflection in a personalised and accessible way, hopefully showing readers how they too might turn their experiences into meaningful learning rather than simply fulfilling what they think the NMC requires.'
December 1
Personal qualities necessary to care for people with dementia
Nursing Standard managing editor Janet Snell says:
'To kick off our countdown to Christmas, here's the first article from our much acclaimed dementia series. This discusses a model highlighting the attributes needed for caring for people with dementia. Some nurses are 'naturals' while others have to work at it. It also highlights the challenges that must be overcome if patients with dementia are to get the care they need'.