Separate pay spine for nurses: decision draws a step closer

Nurses, unions, employers and other NHS staff urged to submit their views by midnight on 4 April on whether a separate pay scale would be sensible for nurses

A final call has been issued for nurses to air their views on a separate pay spine, as the government’s consultation closes at midnight tonight.
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) opened a 12-week call for evidence in January seeking perspectives on the ‘merits and challenges’ of a new pay scale for NHS nursing staff separate from Agenda for Change (AfC).
Agenda for Change nursing pay scale ‘poorly implemented’
Nurses, unions, employers, academics and other NHS staff have been invited to submit their views by the end of 4 April on whether a separate pay scale would be sensible and achievable for nurses.
Individuals have also been asked to give evidence around the current challenges of AfC and if it affects career progression and retention in its current form.
On her X account London South Bank University’s chair of healthcare and workforce modelling Alison Leary tweeted: ‘Last chance to have your say. AfC is poorly implemented in nursing – more nurses are proportionally paid on the lowest pay band than any other graduate profession in the NHS. Is a separate pay spine the answer?’
She also retweeted an X comment from a senior critical care nurse.
Separate nursing pay spine issue proving divisive on social media
With just hours left to give evidence, nurses have been sharing their views on social media and the issue is already proving divisive.
While many are claiming nurses’ pay needs an urgent overhaul to improve recruitment and fair pay for skills, others are warning it could cause division between NHS staff and undo the current AfC pay scale that was hard-won.
Current pay scale for nursing staff out of date, says union
Another registered nurse wrote that nurses should ‘challenge their banding with managers’ if they were not on the right pay band.
The RCN submitted evidence to the NHS pay review body (RB) in February, which included a push for a separate pay scale for nursing staff, claiming the current scale is ‘out of date.’
‘The job evaluation scheme which underpins the current pay spine is 20 years old and the national nursing profiles are no longer reflective of current nursing practice,’ the college submitted.
Nurses urged to submit their views on new pay spine before midnight tonight
‘The development of nursing practice and delivery of healthcare has progressed dramatically since its inception and the system has stood still not recognising the complexities of modern healthcare and acuity of care required.’
The RCN sought a commitment to a new pay spine in pay negotiations with former health and social care secretary Steve Barclay last year, though the deal was later rejected by members.
Recommendations from the RB for the 2024-25 pay round are delayed and are expected in May 2024 at the earliest.
Submit your views at Separate pay spine for nursing: call for evidence.
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