
RCNi launches new Write for us author hub

Free resources will help nurses and other healthcare professionals share best practice through publishing.
Write for us

Nurses wanting to write for publication can now access help online through the RCNi author hub, Write for us.

The free, comprehensive guide, launched in time for RCN congress 2017, in Liverpool, covers nine areas aimed at answering all the questions that potential RCNi contributors are likely to ask. It also offers advice as well testimonies from nurses who have published in RCNi journals.

How to write a great article

The nine areas include: why you should write, how to write a great article, how to submit your article, what happens after submission and promoting your article. There is also information on open-access publishing options with RCNi.

Accessing the hub also allows you to find out more about our journals and their editors, gives you advice on becoming a reviewer, and enables you to download a range of author guides. Click here to go to Write for us.


