
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

District nursing at ‘breaking point’

Overstretched district nursing services are functioning on nurses’ goodwill, says new report.

Radical plans to close NHS services

A&E and hospital closure proposals revealed

Emergency department closed to children

Trust suspends A&E services for young people

Funding to curb use of police cells as place of safety for mental health crises...

The first wave of funding for a £15 million programme to prevent police cells being used as...

Heatwave warning for South and East of England

Community nurses should be prepared to help vulnerable patients in the heatwave predicted...

A&Es facing ‘drastic shortage’ of nurses, warns RCN

The RCN has warned A&Es departments in England are ‘buckling’ under the pressure of...

'Sprainspotting' nurses recreate cult film poster ...

Nurse practitioners promote new uniforms by posing for Trainspotting homage.

Ebola nurse Pauline Cafferkey accused of concealing high temperature during screening

Scottish nurse Pauline Cafferkey, who was infected with the Ebola virus while volunteering...

Trust recruiting new nurses

£300k plan to curb staff shortages

Nurses could take on key role to calm the ‘crisis’ in emergency medicine, say experts

A&E patients could be treated by specially-trained nurses as part of measures to tackle...

Top nurse appointed to help turn around Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust

Leading nurse Elaine Inglesby-Burke has been announced as the new chief nurse at Pennine...

Emergency nurses fear for their jobs over night closures

Nurses at an overstretched A&E department forced to close at night feel uncertain about...

Online fame for emergency nurse after he is mistaken for Olympic hero

Joe Clarke is enjoying his moment of fame after being mistaken online for a Team GB gold-...

Emergency services' nurses in pilot study to improve carbon monoxide poisoning...

Emergency department nurses are taking part in a study into how staff can better detect and...

Nurse of the Year Amanda Burston to be recognised at Women of the Year event

RCN nurse of the year Amanda Burston recognised for her work supporting victims of domestic...

Pregnant women urged to postpone Florida travel over Zika fears

Part of US mainland added to list of countries where Zika infection risk is present

Ebola nurse Pauline Cafferkey talks about the stress of NMC inquiry

Pauline Cafferkey said it is ‘very stressful’ to remain under NMC investigation

Pokémon Go players urged to avoid emergency department

Emergency department is focal point for smartphone game craze

