MPs launch inquiry into winter pressures for emergency departments

MPs have launched an inquiry into how emergency departments cope with winter pressures.
There were more than 1.25 million visits to emergency departments (EDs) in England in January 2016, up 11% on the previous year.
In the same month, EDs saw 83% of patients within four hours – well short of the government's 95% standard.
Extra pressures
The Commons health committe has now begun an inquiry into what steps NHS trusts take to tackle pressures faced over the winter months.
In particular, it will look at why trusts continue to find it necessary to have specific plans for coping with winter pressures.
It will also examine why some departments maintain performance in the colder months while others struggle with the extra demand.
The committee is inviting submissions between now and 5 August on:
- The measures being taken by hospital trusts to prepare for winter pressures
- How hospital trusts work with their local health and social care partners to prepare for winter pressure beforehand, and how they cope with it during winter
- The national activity that is being undertaken to support hospital trusts in coping with the demand that they are likely to face.
Further information:
A&E winter planning inquiry launched