
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Former head of nursing at Letby hospital referred to regulator

Alison Kelly is referred to NMC after concerns over handling of fears raised by consultants

Mental health call-outs: concern over impact of reduced police attendance

Nurses could be left to plug gaps in services thanks to change in police policy

Lucy Letby: police praise nurses who testified in distressing trial

Officers acknowledge the emotional impact on colleagues and witnesses

Lucy Letby given whole life sentence

Nurse refuses to attend court to hear sentencing after murder convictions

Former head of nursing says she ‘lacked information’ to remove Letby from neonatal unit

Karen Rees says she was not given enough information to justify removing Letby earlier

Lucy Letby: police review care of babies in Liverpool and Chester as inquiry is called

Independent inquiry will examine how clinicians’ concerns about nurse were handled

Lucy Letby was ‘very skilled in brainwashing’ colleagues

Reviewing lawyer speaks of nurse ‘covering her tracks’ as she is found guilty

Nurse Lucy Letby guilty of murdering seven babies

Jury also convicts children’s nurse of six attempted murders at hospital neonatal unit

Nurses’ lives inspire play premiering at the Edinburgh Fringe

Playwright drew on more than 50 nurses’ own words to explore the pressures NHS staff face

Guide to British slang aims to break the language barrier for nurses from overseas

It deciphers terms including ‘it’s giving me gyp’ and ‘spending a penny’

Number accepted onto UK nursing courses falls 13%, prompting calls to scrap fees

NHS workforce plan ‘stumbles at first hurdle’ as nursing degree figures drop in every country

NHS trust’s U-turn over job ad for nurses or AHPs to join medical consultant rotation

Trust apologises after doctor raises patient safety concerns over hyper acute stroke unit

Nursing student left in tears as university error blocks registration

Some 200 nursing students to be compensated after mixup prevents them starting jobs

Ban on expensive nursing agencies in bid to curb spending

Step by Northern Ireland’s health and social care trusts aims to rein in agency spending

How will ambitious nursing student targets set in the NHS workforce plan be met?

Calls for more detail on how nursing degree places will be increased

NHS plan for 900 extra acute beds ahead of winter likely to pile more pressure on nurses

Bid to boost capacity despite chronic staff shortage raises fears over nurses’ workloads

Flexible working: nurses urged to have their say on new rules for employers

A new code of practice will include changes to the law set for next spring

Need a change of scene? Be a nurse on a remote Scottish island

Role on Fair Isle in Shetland combines independent working with breathtaking surroundings

