
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Nurses offered free woodland workshops

NHS staff are being offered the chance to relax in woodland as part of workshops to ease...

Fears for quality of nursing care on ‘overwhelmed’ wards this winter

Pressures on hospital beds is so severe that the equivalent of seven extra hospitals had to...

Acute limb compartment syndrome: new tool for emergency nurses

A new tool has been developed to help nurses on emergency wards identify quicker the signs...

Using online essays to cheat ‘may put patients at risk'

Patient safety could be at risk if nursing students cheat by passing off as their own work...

RCN launches updated guidance on infusion therapy

Updated guidance on infusion therapy has been published by the RCN.

Concern over capacity for apprentice and associate placements

The RCN says existing registered nurses will face increased pressure due to the volume of...

Bursary to stay in Wales – but nursing students must work in the country for two years...

Bursaries will continue to be available to new nursing students in Wales next year — but...

University sets up £200K fund to help nursing students

A university has set up a £200,000 fund to help nursing students cope with course costs when...

Sharp rise in number of patients forced to wait for a hospital bed

There has been a sharp rise in the length of time people wait for a hospital bed after being...

CNO rejects nursing associate claims

Not a 'cheap replacement for nurses', says England's chief nursing officer

Nursing the 'most trusted profession'

Poll finds UK public has faith in nurses' truthfulness

Four out of five nurses struck off NMC register last year were over the age of 40,...

Four out of five nurses struck off the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s (NMC) register last...

Apprenticeship degrees a 'drop in the ocean' say health academics

Planned nursing degree apprenticeships will be ‘a drop in the ocean’ and will not solve the...

Trainee doctors report heavy workloads and safety concerns

Some trainee doctors are working beyond their competence due to huge workloads, with many...

Second wave of test sites for nursing associate scheme revealed

The second wave of sites for training the next cohort of nursing associates has been...

Nurses reminded of dangers of cold weather

PHE warns of risk to vulnerable

NHS trust leaders warn staff shortage concerns outweigh fears over funding

More than half of NHS Trust leaders in England are worried they do not have the right staff...

Nurses should not routinely use personal mobile phones for work, according to new RCN...

Nurses should not use personal mobile phones for work, according to new RCN guidance.

