
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Triage: a retrospective evaluation

This paper takes a retrospective view of the development and introduction of a...

Why do A&E nurses fear using their advanced life support skills?

Cardiac arrest is the most acute medical emergency faced by medical, nursing and...

Emergency nurse practitioner’s documentation: development of an audit tool

The quality of clinical documentation was examined during a randomised controlled...

Emergency nurse practitioners should manage major cases

Over a period of years, A&E departments have become busier and,...

Climate of care and nurses’ attitudes towards AIDS in the emergency department

Despite recent advancements in treatment for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (...

Hospital management of poisoning in victims suffering from smoke inhalation

THE ARRIVAL OF VICTIMS OF smoke inhalation in emergency departments presents those...

Recognising the survivors of torture

The end of the 20th century bore witness to an unprecedented rise in the flow of...

Organisation of care for older people in A&E

THE NEEDS OF OLDER PEOPLE REPRESENT an under-recognised but significant part of the...

Developing paediatric nursing skills


The health psychology of asthma

Asthma is a common and chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways, associated...

An investigation

Attendance in A&E has continued to rise by 2 per cent annually since 1981....

Using telemedicine for remote trauma medicine What the public thinks

We were due to start a free standing minor injuries unit (MIU) at a community...

Severe head injury in children: a case study

On August 20, 1998, at three o’clock in the afternoon, Michael Fisher (not his real...

Why are we waiting?

Accident and emergency units are one of the key interfaces between patients and the...

Plant poisoning

Ingestion of plant material is a relatively common cause of enquiry to poisons...

the Emerging role of the nurse practitioner in A&E

The nurse practitioner (NP) concept differs most obviously from conventional...

Role modelling as a teaching method

While studying for my Masters in education, I have been encouraged to examine how I...

TELEMEDICINE — the technology and its applications

The prefix ‘tele’ means distance in Greek, and so telemedicine means delivering...

