
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Communicating with people who have experienced heart attack

Presentations of acute myocardial infarction (MI) can be divided into diagnostic...

Managing boxer’s fracture: A literature review

Boxer’s fractures are commonly seen in emergency departments (EDs) but how these injuries...

Diagnosing Achilles tendon injuries in the emergency department

Achilles tendon (AT) injury is an overuse injury often seen in professional and recreational...

Gynaecological assessment and history taking

Nurse practitioners (NPs) rarely undertake gynaecological histories or female genital...

Training nurses in trauma management

Since major trauma networks were introduced, medical and non-medical staff have been...

Reducing violence and aggression in the emergency department

Emergency department (ED) staff, particularly nursing students and inexperienced nurses, are...

Traffic-light system developed to prioritise cancer treatments

Acute oncology services have been developed to meet the unplanned, urgent care needs of...

Good practice in the management of serious degloving injuries

Many lacerations involve degloving, a form of avulsion in which skin is torn off the...

An autonomous role in emergency departments

Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, which manages 250,000 patients in three emergency...

Developing a new post for nurses to identify cases of domestic abuse

Nurses working in emergency departments (EDs) need specialist training to identify and...

Navigating triage to meet targets for waiting times

An initial assessment process, called navigation, has been introduced at Medway Maritime...

Family-centred care during resuscitation events

Caring for families of critically ill patients is part of emergency nurses’ role, but there...

Caring for people who experience domestic abuse

Domestic abuse can affect anyone and is recognised as a global problem that results in...

Diagnosing and managing invasive meningococcal disease in children

In developed countries, invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) is a leading infectious cause...

Development of a short-stay unit in an emergency department

In 2009, the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, established a nine-bed, short-stay unit in...

Assessment and treatment of three common anorectal conditions

This is the second of two articles about the kinds of anorectal problem with which people...

Using a computerised patient-alert system

The information technology systems used in most modern emergency departments alert staff to...

Tackling incidents of violence, aggression and antisocial behaviour

Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust has developed and implemented a strategy to reduce the...

