Jennifer Sprinks
Nurses join London march for safe staffing
Nurses join march organised by Cure the NHS campaign group and call on Department of Health to reinstate NICE's review of research into safe staffing
NHS publishes data on optimal medication use in a bid to improve patient outcomes
NHS England updates a 'dashboard' of data designed to ensure patients take medication in the most effective way
£34 million Welsh Government funding boost to move more care into the community
Welsh health and social services minister Mark Drakeford has announced that £34 million will be invested into providing more care closer to home, including helping GPs to recruit more advanced nurse practitioners
Review into premature mortality of people with learning disabilities
A national review will seek to uncover why people with learning disabilities die prematurely, and aim to reduce those figures
What the chancellor’s cuts today mean for public health tomorrow
England’s health service is grappling with an ageing population coupled with a desire for people to live well for longer. In its attempts to address such pressures on NHS resources, the government wants people to take control of their own health and to focus more on preventive measures.
Unsafe prescribing puts the lives of thousands of people with asthma at risk
An Asthma UK report published today urges healthcare professionals to routinely review their asthma patients' prescriptions
Daily digest June 15 2015
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Twenty-one nurses and midwives receive prestigious Queen's honours
The contribution 21 nurses and midwives have made to their professions and patient care has been recognised in the Queen's Birthday Honours list
Daily digest June 12 2015
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Daily digest June 11 2015
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Better management and use of staff could save NHS billions a year
Lord Carter's interim report into productivity in NHS hospitals says £5 billion a year could be saved through better use of staff, using medicines more effectively, getting better prices for products, and improved management processes
Help motor neurone disease patients maintain their hobbies as part of care'
Speaking at a joint RCN and Motor Neurone Disease Association public lecture in London yesterday, an occupational therapist reminded healthcare professionals of the importance of supporting patients with motor neurone disease to fulfil their hobbies
Standards of care for older people in hospital launched in Scotland
Healthcare Improvement Scotland has published standards to improve the care of older people in hospital and give patients greater involvement in decisions
Daily digest June 9 2015
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Daily digest June 8 2015
Missed the news? Read our summary of the latest health stories here
Inpatient feedback highlights gulf in trust performance
Inadequate nurse staffing and delayed discharges are among the problems highlighted in the CQC’s annual hospital survey
Inpatient feedback highlights gulf in trust performance
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published the results of its 12th annual hospital inpatient survey, revealing little improvement in the way patients rate the care they receive.
Staff burnout could derail NHS efficiency drive and hopes for a seven-day service, says think tank
Nuffield Trust think tank outlines the health and social care issues it wants to see given priority in this parliament