Alison Moore

Nursing Standard

‘Fit to sit’ in the emergency department

Hospital patients benefit by staying as active as possible – and they can start by waiting in a chair in the emergency department rather than on a trolley.

Nursing Standard

Student tuition fees and loans: Don't make an expensive mistake

Despite all the protests, the nursing student bursary in England is history. Alison Moore looks at what the switch to tuition fees and loans will mean for students and how never paying off the debt may be the most sensible thing you can do.

Nursing Standard

Toolkit will help nursing students tackle climate change

The NurSus toolkit provides an opportunity to integrate sustainability within nursing curricula and help students and qualified nurses to play a part in addressing the challenge of climate change.

Nursing Standard

It's not just Londoners who need help with housing costs

London is by no means the only city in which workers struggle to afford rents or buy their own home. Now NHS employers in property hotspots such as Oxford are considering paying a premium to attract and retain nurses.

intentional rounding
Nursing Standard

Intentional rounding: Assessing the evidence

Intentional rounding, or checking on patients at regular intervals, has become commonplace, but does it improve care?

election moore
Nursing Standard

Election 2017: Party policies and the future of the NHS

The political parties have set out their plans for the health service ahead of the 8 June election. But are they facing up to the real challenges or just chasing your vote? And what will it mean for nurses if, as polls predict, the Conservatives win an increased majority?

University of Birmingham
Nursing Standard

Last chance for nursing course with bursary

Would-be nurses can still train on a fully funded course in England – if they can start at the end of June.

Nursing Standard

Nursing shortages: how bad will it get?

The NHS desperately needs to keep the nurses it already has as well as attracting new recruits. Yet efforts to fill thousands of vacancies risk being overwhelmed by mounting pressures and a lack of joined-up policy, says Alison Moore.

Nursing Standard

NMC ruling could encourage futile CPR

The NMC's decision to caution a nurse for not attempting to resuscitate an elderly nursing home resident who had no signs of life has alarmed nurses and doctors, who fear it will encourage defensive practice.

Nursing Standard

Agency nursing hit by tax change

For the past 18 months agency nurses have seen their wages under threat, with trusts ordered to adhere to a 'cap' on payments. A new change to their tax status is set to hit pockets once again.

Nursing Standard

Rare diseases: easing the transition from children's to adult services

A new nursing role is supporting young people with complex conditions as they make the difficult transition to adult care.

Nursing Standard

Delayed discharge at the heart of the NHS crisis

How big a problem are delayed discharges and what can be done to reduce them?

Nursing Standard

Spotlight: The NHS in crisis

With services reported to be at breaking point, it is clear the NHS is struggling to cope with demand. But what is driving the crisis? Alison Moore looks at the facts and figures behind the lurid headlines.

Nursing Standard

STPs: It’s not too late to have a say in plans for your local services

Nurses have been largely sidelined in the development of NHS sustainability and transformation plans (STPs), though they will affect thousands of jobs. But there is still time to influence local decisions.

Nursing Standard

Overturning NHS 'culture of fear'

US health expert supporting new England care models praises successful vanguard site

Nursing Standard

Nursing in the Trump era

Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election in November stunned the world. As he appoints his top team ahead of his inauguration on January 20, Alison Moore considers what the next four years will mean for nurses and health care in the US.

Care home crisis
Nursing Standard

Crisis in the care home sector

Given the right conditions, care homes offer rewarding roles for nurses and create innovative partnerships with NHS teams. But in the current perfect storm of inadequate funding, staff shortages and critical CQC reports many are struggling to survive.

Nursing Standard

UK educators deliver pioneering critical care programme in Zambia

Delivering health care in a country like Zambia is a challenge, but a pioneering scheme...
